Saturday, June 15, 2024

My Running News back in 2006

 Happened to find back my previous running related race results...

it was back in year 2006 for Penang Hill Climb...

Where this is my first time joined into Men open category...

Was lucky to finished in 3rd placing...

got the valuable pewter trophy which always my target for...

Refer to the link for the news...

Penang Hill Climb 2006 Kwong Wah Press

PDF Link

Hatyai Marathon 2024

 This will be my 4th time joining this event...

Last 3 edition, i was joining half marathon...

Same for this year as well...

The target is to break the 1:23 barrier...

Which my body condition wasn't in best shape at the moment...

My pace was drop to 3:55 which is out of my norm race pace...

Well...i still believe that i can try my best to do something out there...

This time around, i am travelling with Ah Wong, Y.wei & 10 by using small Axia car...

The bed hotel was fully booked by BM leopard team members is our hotel...

Before the race , we have a walk through the town by visting to Nezha temple & 4 Face temple...

Its my belief that whenever we go over to new place for race, we must pay our due respect to the god protector there...

It was such happening that the main road in front of our Hotel is organising the street food festival...

As usual the race start at Jiranakorn Stadium which is well maintained for their rubber track...

Saw few familiar faces from Pg Forward team...

Did not think too much, just want to focus to run well my own pace...

The starting pace was not that fast...

front pack was running at around 3:40 pace i guess...

i'm following 2nd pack which is around 3:55...

Was following a Thai veteran & chinese runner...

Soon after around 11km these 2 runners were out of my sight...

I guess my pace was getting slower which i dont really look at my per KM pace at all...

Started to feel my pace dropping at around 14km mark...

Taken GU gel which i think help me lil bit to maintain the pace...

Was overtaken by another 2 Thai youngster @ around 15km mark...

But managed to catch back 1 of them afterward...

For the last few km, i just trying to hang on...

i knew to break the 1:23 barrier will be kinda hard...

My last km pace wasn't that fast which i have narrowly missed out in 8secs...

by finished @ 1:23:08 with a 2nd place in my category...

Overall is 8th...

Quite satisfied with the outcome but more to improve after this...

10 was great to maintain her overall 1st placing in Women 10km category...

Y.wei first time to join this event was in 1st in his category...

Whilst Ah Wong same category with me was placed 5th...

Kudos to my team members who has done very well in this race...

Love to see this gathering where we all together sharing the best moment since our Kakithon old days...

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Jogathon Warisan 2023

 This is a race which i have been joined since 10+ years ago...

Quite a interesting race which consist of hilly route along KL Kwang Tung Cemetery area...

A race which remember our ancestor & their hardship when came over to here...

I didnt put in too much expectation...

Can see quite some strong leng & youngster in front for the first few km...

Slowly i caught them up & managed to close up the front pack...

The first guy is too hard to be seen...

so left 2-5th of us...

First time that i dont really look into the watch on my pace...

Just want to enjoy this race & finish it comfortably...

Managed to finish 4th in my open category...

A consolation for me...

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Hatyai Marathon 2023

 A race that anticipate for...

Famous for its good organising arrangement...

Especially for the food serving after finishing...

Joined with BM leopard geng for this round...

Staying in U Hatyai hotel which is a nice hotel accommodation...

I'm joining half marathon while 10 joining 10k category...

At the first 10k of race was following behind forward's youngster...

Quite fast that he go for which the first 10k already in 38min range...

I was looking for the PB time this round...

But i know that my undermileage training  this time will be my killer...

True to be expected that when reaching 14km...

I was not able to hang on...

The pace drop tremendously which out of 4min pace...

I know that my PB time faded very fast...

Was overtaken by another 2,3 fler at the end stage...

Finished in 1Hr24Min12Sec in this half category which exceeded around 300mm...

Positioned in 3rd for my category whereas 12th overall...

Glad to see 10 finished 1st in her category & overall as well...

Overall this is a lesson learnt race for me...

And the power gel brand which taken will not be consider for me anymore for future race...

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

History Tracking on MUDS 2011

Managed to track back on my previous achievement in Malakoff University Duathlon Series in Year 2011. Hopefully this infos can be kept for my fond memory in future.

Monday, October 14, 2019

C-Mart Half Marathon 2019

Find out that need to run 3 loops around this Sungai Petani C-Mart Mall area...
This is a poor planning from the event management...
Can see that they still lack experience on organising the race...
Run through muddy route behind mall area and confusing junction in the shop lot areas...
i didnt think more on that as i knew those front Kenyan are too far to catch up...
Lucky enough to finish within podium placing offered...

Penang Electric & Electronic Run 2019

For the first time trying out the Asics racer shoe..
Outcome turn out to be a poor performance in this 11.2km race...
Not only run a poor time & lost to a guy which i normally can get better...
surely disappointed with this performance...
but this doesnt augur well on my confidence with this shoe...
again my mizuno is getting exhausted yet still cant find a replacement... :-(