I been waitet 4 dis moment quite few year ler...
since i entered uni 4 yrs ago...
anyway i dun get to join coz of the distance need travel...
this time i grab d chance as d distance is closer...
i went along with wong...
reach home ad around 1am+...fuh...
then having mum homemade kuey tiao th'ng...
slept 4 around 3hr+ then wake up ler...
lucky wong say his condition ok...ha
since its a all chinese run...
i knew that its good to gauge my position in pg here...
though i m penang lang yet i think nt much know that i frm here hehe...
be4 d race i knew 2 guys will be better thn me alot...
so i just tried to push behind them for around 4km...
then they fading away...
anyway i was caught up by 4th runner who come frm same team...
i knew that my condition/time was lost to him in recent race...
then another junior veteran who also very geng...
in kl races i ad lost to him twice...
hes even faster thn ong chin...
anyway today duno y...
i just can blew him away ha...
finish in 35min+...i think is around 9.4km+-
quite happy abt my position...
wong push all d way to finish 9th...
then leg start to trouble him liao ha...
after i gt 2 noe my time was jus 1min20secs+ adrift frm 1st n 2nd runner...
this is something good n i will try to catch them soon...
then prizing ceremony...
n d most unexpected was d grandprize for lucky draw...
won by us!...
really cant believe it...
i joined so long very/hardly win any lucky draw de...
so this time can b said double happiness lo...
back all d way from my work place to hometown...
really thanks god...n chung ling dis lucky place ha...
after all i n wong rush back to KL at 3pm...
quite alot of thing we discuss in buses...
now its time to get back my normal routine ler...