Be4 this run,i actually rest for quite a few weeks...
minus to the helping hand run and axn challenge...
then went to Sabah makn agin with 10 hehe...
infact the few weeks we had spent not much $$$...
now only realize $$$ not that easy to earn...
some more if everytime join race come down so far here...
then kalah balik,really beh tahan nia...ha
also i realize the challenger out thr become stronger n stronger...
really no easy to eat them...
is true i still maintain the training...
yet i know there must be got some changes if i want to sapu them...
then last week i actually joined the takasima indoor triathlon challenge...
at thr i get to be friend with Cecil...
alot of things he shared with me...
such a nice guy...
at the end i lost to him...
he gt very powerful hand during the hand machine workout...
i just cant get to win over at that area...
well this week is GE run...
a race that seem quite well organised...
and its turn out to be true...
though its first time i went to Matrade...
the building structure thr is very nice...
then at the starting line up...
i met with Cecil,Casey,Aunt Moey,Nik,Amelia and Syahidan...
i know that my chances to get to podium become faded...
anyway for the first 2km we still stay together...
though the time we catat shown were 3.30min/km...
then when reach to half of the race i 'm trying to catch up with Casey...
well i seem cant really follow him...
u noe la hes training in Genting here is everday up down hill...
mine is totaly diff frm him...
yet after finished the race i looked at his time as compare to my time...
i felt not bad wa...haha...
just some 1min adrift...
this race is really an up down hill race...
i never join malakoff run before...
but i heart that race also like this or may be tougher than this???
mont kiara also first time pass by there hehe...
this time around another strong fler come in...
hes Tang...
i knew himbe4...
but he seem to be improved such alot...
thanks 4 my final kick...
but that kick make me suffer alot leh...
another beh tahan...
then taken the prizes...
as well as the Q&A session i and 10 both gt our goodies hehe...
then go 2 kai kai liao lol...hehe
u noe la woman....