UPNM MUDS was the first series...
n this time we all come by our own...
no choice,they dun wan support us...
spending our own money to come...
yet we still need to defend our team and individual champ...
really no easy task...
upnm has been trying very hard to sweep all these...
i ad tried my best...
yet still lost to chan...
nvmd,i m optimistic about all this...
i will trying to get the best out there...
congratz to all my fellow kakithoners,i'm really proud of their spirit...
so as black hug me saying so...
orange run...full of tiredness...
i noe the chances very slim to get in top10...
anyway,dunno y i just have that kind of spirit to keep chasing the front guy...
feel really nice to be able to get top10...
really hard to do so...
some of my personal achievement been done in it as well...
hopefully will continue...