Thursday, November 21, 2024

Kuching Marathon 2025

 My target FM race of the year...

I've been trained for this race almost 2.5months...

Together with 10 of her maiden FM,we both travel together there to achieve our dream...

I know that to achieve sub3 for FM is not an easy task...

By utilizing 80-20 run slow to race fast theory...

I know it will help me out...

My previous 2 edition of FM were time @3:10 for terengganu which was few years back...

And Kuching FM last year which i done 3:03 just merely missed out couple of mins in last few km...

This time around i knew i have a chance to hit the goal...

I just maitain my pace...

There come a local group of 3 guys who are overtake me...

Their pace is at around 4:05-4:10...

I just keep following them...

Till at time, another group of almost 6runners with Kenyan women come over...

I managed to follow with this group...

Till around 26km,we started to break out...

From there i have overtaken few guys & the Kenyan women...

I've a very good feeling when reaching 30km...

I knew i can hit the goal...

But at around 35km,my leg feel lil bit stiff where i slowed down abit...

To the last 2km,i tried to chase back...

Oh...yes finally i passed the finishing line...

In time of 2:58:27sec...

Thanks god i managed to do it!!!

I got my 9th placing in Malaysia category,same as last year...

I'm really glad for 10 to her maiden FM...

Where she placed 6th in open & 4th in Malaysia category...

What a really good result for her!!!

Till here,we will come back again to chase out PB glory...

Pantai Marathon 2025

 Its an exciting event with all kind of goodies stuff...

I have run through a dissapointed race day before in SP for Hero run...

Its a back to back 10k race for me & 10...

Thanks god that i am able to perform...

And both of us obtain our double champ of the year...

The best part is that we got our foc race photo...

Definately a race to support for nxt year...